Rhythm: Movement or Variation Marked by Regular Recurrence

I hear the tumult of the raging seas
    as your waves and surging
tides sweep over me.
But each day the Lord pours
his unfailing love upon me,
    and through each night I sing his songs,
    praying to God who gives me life.
(Psalm 42:7-8 NLT)

Rhythm is different than routine. Routines can be broken, neglected or demanding. Rhythm ebbs and flows in increments and seasons. Being off beat frustrates, but rhythm holds you close, it just happens.

I lose interest in clapping to a song, because I can’t keep count. Yet I get caught up in a rhythm and sway along. Then I lose the rhythm by explaining and defending it.

Day flows into day, month after month adding to the years. The rhythm is always there, but I find it hard to keep up with. This happens because I treat it like a routine that I think I can manage. 

Caught off guard, I remember that a rhythm rocks and wakes and gets my attention like waves splashing and crashing into me. Let the rhythm wash over me. I want to be in the midst of it to revel in its crashing, splashing waves.

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13 responses to “Rhythm: Movement or Variation Marked by Regular Recurrence”

  1. Yes, Kel! The rhythm of the boat rocking in the waves, the waves that are there for a purpose, that come and go with a natural rhythm, that give us a place to rest and ride and drift and experience. Love your take on rhythm! I wrote for Lisa Jo's prompt today too! Check it out! It was fun stuff!Hugs,Kelly

  2. Cool! I can't wait to go read your thoughts! It was nice to squeeze in five minutes for my own musings…one more week ?of Ant Kamp…then where will the tide carry me?

  3. Dear KelYes, every aspect and season of our lives have its own rhythm. Oh, what a joy when we learn how to clap and dance to the rhythm we are experiencing at any given time!Much love XXMia

  4. Kel, I echo all the other comments–you're right–rhythm is really an ebb and a flow, back and forth–it's the how far back and how far 'forth' the flow is that keeps us close to Jesus in our prayers. I love this scripture–'songs in the night'–one of my favorite.

  5. Mia- I appreciate that each season has its own rhythm…I am an empty nester and have been watching my nieces and nephews for the past few weeks…what a different, yet satisfying rhythm it is to have young children around here!

  6. Katherine- I am not a musician, but I think rhythm is the intuitive part of music…I am sure a musician could explain it better, but its how it "feels" to me 🙂

  7. Barbie- Thanks for stopping by! I love the ocean and the great lakes where the waves crash and emulate the power of God…I love how God weaves scripture into our lives!

  8. Jody-This rhythm theme fits where I am right now…life ebbs and flows with community and solitude and times of creativity and times of rest…I love how God reveals Himself to us!

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