Random Journal Day: In Good Company

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV)

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my newest journal. love the zippered pocket incorporated into the canvas cover. journal is removable, so I could get a replacement and keep using the cover. (Found at Target)
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front view

Once a month, I join with Dawn and her fearless companions over at Random Journal Day. On the same weekend, I also have the joy of meeting in person with fearless journal keepers from our church. Both of these groups encourage me to continue the practice of dialoguing with God in my journal.

So for a treat, I am going to post my entry from today’s in person group with the RJD friends.

Today, our mentor encouraged us to journal about the topic of whether or not our prayers made a difference. Little did she know that I was struggling with this issue in my heart. It may seem odd to write in the presence of others, but it is cherished time set aside, where our leader offers us a prompt, then we each silently pour out our hearts into our journals.

Here is my journal response to her question:

Father God- What a privilege to be reminded that our prayers matter to You, to each other and to the one’s we pray for. I will never know the impact. You have given me seasons of intense intercessory prayer through prayer groups, Moms in Prayer International and the National Day of Prayer ministry, but lately my prayer life has been less structured and seemingly sporadic or very “arrow” prayer oriented. [An arrow prayer is just shooting requests up to God as I go, rather than a focused time of intercessory prayer.]

As the disciples asked , I ask again: “Teach me to pray–how–what–who–where–and when to pray.”

I have time.

I have tools.

I have topics.

What am I lacking? Tenacity? Hope? Faith? Why am I reluctant or strayed away from structured prayer? I feel vulnerable sharing and admitting that my intercessory prayer life is like an abandoned building. I do believe I have a rich , close relationship with You…show me the distractions and what has stunted my desire to intercede “systematically.” How should I pray for others? Do I lack discipline? A plan? The heart?

Thank you for time to take inventory, to admit my lack–thank you that with YOU I lack no good thing. Help me to seek you and follow your example, Jesus, of praying for others.

At this point, I paused in my journaling. The Holy Spirit prompted me to look up John 17, where Jesus prayed for His disciples and us before He died. He addressed the Father on our behalf to experience joy, to be kept from the evil one and to experience the love unifying relationship that he and the Father shared. Much to ponder.

And then I read in Romans 8, that even Paul understood that we didn’t know how to pray as we ought, and reminded us that the Spirit intercedes on our behalf! What relief! And the Spirit prays according to God’s will. In both passages, I heard echoes of the Lord’s prayer (the one he taught the disciples.)

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. To thine be the kingdom, and the glory and the power, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer matters. And God is the one who ignites and sustains our prayer life. Hallelujah!

Journaling for about 30 minutes and sharing our insights in a group reminded each one of us that we are not alone in our spiritual struggles. What a blessing to have companions on this journaling journey.

9 responses to “Random Journal Day: In Good Company”

  1. As you know, Kel, I love praying with others in our journal. I do less of this corporately as the facilitator of journal classes, but I even benefit as you all pray together. Where two or three are gathered in His name, He is in their midst. He can be there when we gather with journals open just as easily as when we lift up our voices to the Lord. In either case, He hears our prayers and lifts *us* up!

    • Lynni- It is a joy to gather with journals open…whether in person or online…I feel like this practice of blogging is a way of connecting with God and others too…God is in our midst! Hallelujah!

  2. It’s such a blessing isn’t it to have a dedicated time set aside for journaling, listening, and pondering. What a lovely monthly practice.

    • Victoria- I am looking forward to setting more time aside for journaling these next 40 days as Dawn leads us in a Journaling the Journey with Jesus series…I love how we can listen in various ways and settings. I still enjoy listening to the Pray As You Go podcasts that you recommended last year.

  3. Kel; We are human and, due to this, we all have foilbles that get us side-trracked from our resolves to pray. Beside my personal prayer times, I participate in a prayer ministry that meets at a neighboring site to our church. Also, I paricipate in a Wednesday night prayer group after mid-week Bible study. And I still have times when I feel my prayer time is not as it should be, especially when I can’t get out to them.

    • Cecelia-Thank you for always encouraging me with your perspective. I am thankful that God gives you groups to pray with…I have a weekly group, too…I don’t know what I’d do without our these dear sisters. God takes us through seasons of different settings for prayer, but I am thankful that prayer is always a breath away. God is faithful, even when I feel like I’m floundering.

  4. Oh, Kel…I love that journal cover! How cool. I also think it is wonderful to join together in person encouraging one another to journal, pray and seek God with pen and paper. My heart is so happy when I see your posts…I so often feel we think so much alike and sort of are prompted the same. Well DUH- we have the same Holy Spirit that has adopted us and made us sisters! Always a joy journaling the journey knowing you are doing likewise!

    • Dawn- I knew you would love the journal cover…it’s so cool and I consecrated it today to join the journey. The timing of this journey is perfect. Over the next 40 days we will be getting ready for and then celebrating my oldest son’s wedding…I am interested to see where God takes me as we begin today.

      Yes we have the same Holy Spirit! And our Kindred Spirit weaves our heart together over the miles…I feel like we are pen pal journal buddies! I am so thirsty right now…I can’t wait to drink from the Living Well as we join our hearts, journals, pens and Bibles together this season. Thank you for listening and obeying our precious Father, Jesus our Brother and Guide and Intercessor and the Vibrant Holy Spirit.

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